Thursday, September 22, 2016

Where do I start?

When I voiced my concerns about graduation, I was told to stop being so dramatic. People advised me to enjoy the occasion, to look forward to good times ahead. They told me it wasn't that big of a deal. I remained convinced that after the ceremony, everything would change.

I was right. 
The people who told me to grow up and stop whining about it were right too. 
Everything did change after high school, but the things I thought I was losing forever are closer to me now than they were before.

Gambler and I didn't spend as much time together this past summer as we did the summer before. Work kept me too busy to visit the barn regularly. I also realized that I can't solve the bucking issue on my own. I have no horse to ride, so I am not fit enough to sit a buck. If Gambler bucks me off several times he could develop a habit and ta da! I've ruined a horse. For all those reasons, Gambler went off to two weeks of training a week and a half ago. According to the trainer (who I have only heard wonderful things about) Gambler is progressing well under saddle but has terrible ground manners and is dominant. 

Dominant I believe! But the ground manners...has me questioning. I am more than willing to admit that I am a biased party and could possibly have overlooked his behavior. But. Big but. But I can lead Gambler on a loose lead with the rope just about dragging on the ground. And I can pretty much control his feet down to the individual step. And he stands politely in his stall. And puts his own head in the halter. The only ground issues he has are fly spray, baths, and his feet . . . so I'm a little concerned. I guess we'll see what happens on Friday.

After high school ended I was worried that I would never enjoy myself again. I thought that work and college would consume my life, leaving no time for fun and experience. Boy was I wrong about that one! Yes, I am pressed for time; but I am learning to squeeze every drop of life out of twenty-four hours. I spent more time with friends and experienced more new things this past summer than I ever have before.

So far the school year isn't much different. 
I have more responsibilities, but also more freedom. Now I have a car and I manage my own schedule and I earn my own money. These things do constrict me, but they also offer so many opportunities that I never had before.

It is overwhelming. I am surrounded by so many new things and I'm trying to sort them all out. September's primary goal is "find balance." I hope I do soon. For now I have embraced the college kid "hot mess" stereotype. Losing my keys, losing my shoes, forgetting my card in my pocket, barely getting to work on time - it adds a certain spice to life. That said, I am planning on getting my life reorganized soon.


  1. Welcome back. I'm glad that the graduation was okay and that Gambler is in training. I'm not surprised by the trainers observation. What may be going on is this: you are the main one working with Gambler and he knows his place and manners. But that doesn't mean he's figured it out with everyone. If he's naturally dominant he will test it with others, especially since he's young.

    Think of it like a herd of horses- each knows it's rank but when a new horse comes it all has to get sorted out again.
    I hope that makes sense?

    1. That does make a lot of sense. The trainer provided more clarification about the dominance, and I believe you are right, Gambler was just testing a new leader. A lot of the behaviors he described were things that Gambler has tried with me in the past, before I established my leadership.
