Friday, August 5, 2016

Quick Update

If you follow Gambler on Instagram, you'll know that he obtained a lovely fungal infection. Naturally, it has kept me from riding Gambler, saddling him, or doing much of anything in the area of training. With the assistance of fungal shampoo and spray, he is healing. I should be able to saddle him up in a week or so.

The day after we noticed it. The gunk on his sores is A&D to keep the flies away.
This is from Tuesday. The scabs are peeling off, revealing healthy pink skin underneath.
The hair is already growing over the sores on his sides. You can hardly tell they were there.
The sore under his chin was attacked by the bugs, so it is still healing.
While the fungal infection was improving, Gambler broke out in weird hives. I think they might have been a delayed reaction to the fungal shampoo and spray. Whatever the cause, they disappeared within twenty-four hours. 

I think that is enough negativity for one post. Here are a few of those beautiful little things:

"You can't see me!"
Baby swallows!
Okay, so they aren't in the cute stage yet. 
I cannot explain how much I love the white lines on his ears.
Gambler comes to meet me every time, and watches while I leave.
Ever the clown. ;)
Some climb mountains, some go white-water rafting, some sail around the world solo, some walk barefoot in the horse pasture. (Pony club does not approve of this message)

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