Thursday, January 19, 2017

Back in the Game(s)

So . . . it's been a minute.

My first semester of college was a lot more than I expected. It was also a lot less than I expected. I survived, after all. School certainly wasn't worth all the stressing out I did last summer. These last four months have been very different and I've changed a lot. A lot of things have changed a lot.

Gambler is now at a new barn, which is thankfully ten minutes closer to my house and a good half hour closer to where I go to school. I'm hoping that distance will make all the difference. The most exciting part is *drumroll please* an indoor arena! I cannot contain my excitement. It is a lot smaller than the field I was using as an arena, and I feel much more comfortable playing with Gambler in a smaller, more confined space. Not to mention the joy of shelter in the winter and light at night!

My spooky lil man is settling in great. He has calmed down so much in the last two years. His spooks are much smaller and he hasn't bolted or reared in months.

I am also settling in. Second semester here I come! School starts in five days and I'm ready (at least I'm telling myself that). This time I know what to expect. I can manage my time, keep from making the mistakes I made before, and wring every drop of joy from the months to come.

I made the decision not to ride Gambler when he came back from training. My mom has put some rides on him, but he really needs a strong, confident leader who will push him. During first semester I was anxious, insecure, and overly emotional. The stress of school and work and relationships was bottled up inside of me and I couldn't be the confident leader Gamby really needed.

Now I have found my sea legs (or school legs). I am excited for this next semester. I love my job. I am at peace with my friendships. I can't wait to start riding my horse, at long last.

On an unrelated note, both my old Betta fish died, Pascal a year ago and Boromir two days ago. I am now the proud owner of Wraith and Ember.

My goal for 2016 was to Love More Fully and it changed me in so many ways. 2017 is a year of moments and opportunities so my goal is to Appreciate the Moment. Here's to all the possibilities!


  1. Welcome back. I can't wait to hear about how your rides go!

    1. Thank you! I'll be attempting to catch up with everyone else's blogs when I find time. :)

  2. Good to see you posting, I'm excited to see more Gambler updates! I just realized you are the same age as my twin cousins, they also started college this past Sept (:
