Monday, August 24, 2015

A Blustery Day

I love windy days. When I was younger I believed that the wind was magical and if you made a wish on a windy day it would come true. I may or may not have grown out of that odd superstition. Anyway, autumn is my favorite season and I have always loved the windy, foggy weather that ushers the season in. My horse on the other hand . . . not so much. There is a specific patch of trees, in the fenced off area we use for an outdoor arena, that scares the pants off of him. Yesterday was one of those wonderful (or horrible, according to Gambley) days, and I was expecting an adventure.

Well, that's what I got, at least in the beginning. Gambler was 165% sure that those trees were out to eat him. He wanted nothing more than to canter away from those trees and then to stop and stare at them with his head up in the air and the whites of his eyes showing.

"I have to get away from the trees!"

"I'm telling you Mom, those are horse-eating trees."

However, from the moment we walked into the death trap arena, Gambler walked (somewhat) calmly beside me, even licking and chewing. This is pretty incredible since about a month ago I couldn't even lead my horse safely in weather like this. If there was so much as a slight breeze Gambler would trot ahead and spin around and even throw in a jump sideways for good measure. Yesterday was very different. He did spook four or five times (bolting to the end of the rope, often with a buck or two), but they didn't last long, and he always turned his attention back to me immediately after. 

Instead of doing canter work like we have been for the past few days, I spent the session trying to get a couple circles at a calm, steady trot, or even better, a walk. After a lot of patience and encouragement, he did eventually slow down and relax. He even lowered his head and let me give him an ear rub! I don't know about you, but it isn't my practice to stop for an ear rub in the presence of carnivorous trees. 

"I guess you'll keep me safe."

Look at him, listening so politely. 

He's watching me for once, not the trees.

Ear rub. *sigh*

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