Sunday, August 23, 2015

Gambling and Rebellion and Destiny

I put off creating this blog for a long time, and way too much happened in that time for me to write about, or even remember. However, there are some things that are very important to Gambler and I's story. Specifically, I feel that I need to make a few comments regarding his pasture-mates. Everyone in the horse world knows how expensive boarding a horse can be, and honestly it was the biggest hurdle I had to overcome when considering whether I could afford a horse or not.

I remember that after I was offered Gambler I wanted to say yes more than anything, but I was afraid of making an hasty, compulsive decision. I specifically prayed that if it was God's will for me to own a horse, He would show me a way to afford it. Imagine my surprise and joy when one of my mom's coworkers offered to board a horse at her place for free! I never even knew she owned horses, but as it turned out she had two: Azia and Rebel. Her mare Azia had cancer and it was becoming increasingly apparent that it was in her best interest to put her down. The resulting predicament was that once Azia was gone Rebel would be all alone. So in the end, I have a place to keep my horse and the barn owner has a companion horse for her mount.


Sadly, on a Sunday evening a couple weeks ago, Rebel had to be put down because of severe colic. His gut was twisted and he showed no sign of distress until early one morning he was found thrashing in pain. Although the vet did everything he could, it was obvious that Rebel was rapidly deteriorating. Rebel's loss was felt deeply by everyone at the barn, including Gambler, who often called out expecting to hear Rebel's whinny in return. 

A few days later, we had a new arrival! Destiny aka Dezi aka Kezi, is a grade Quarter Horse mare. She is a gorgeous buckskin, and about ten years old. Gambler is completely besotted. 

She's only been at the barn for eleven days, but she was in heat for the first eight, so that resulted in a very interesting pasture atmosphere. Apparently I have one of those geldings who doesn't understand the concept of being gelded . . . *sigh* 

So she hasn't really settled in yet, and all the new sights and sounds have her a little on edge. She is a beautiful horse though, and I do believe that once she gets used to her surroundings she will make a wonderful trail horse for the barn owner. 

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