Thursday, December 10, 2015

Biding My Time

So far this winter has been much milder than the last, or the one before that. We'll see how long that lasts, we could get four inches within a week. Originally I thought that was great. I thought a warmer winter would mean that I could progress further with Gambler. I'm not sure I agree anymore. Snow is cold, but as long as it isn't icy it's not bad for riding. Mud on the other hand . . . And snow is cold, but if you bundle up you stay dry. Rain on the other hand  . . . Snow is cold, but it's pretty cushy if you fall. Half-frozen mud/dried grass on the other hand . . .

But who knows. Maybe we'll get warm, dry weather and Gambler and I will have a ton of fun. Or maybe it will get cold and snow and Gambler and I will have a ton of fun. Or maybe it will stay wet and muddy and Gambler and I will find a way to have a ton of fun.

I didn't get very good photos today because the light was fading. That and the camera doesn't like cold weather. Even forty degrees is too much for it. I had planned to put the bareback pad on Gambler in the cross-ties, but he was a muddy mess. So instead we worked on picking out the feet. His front left is really good right now. He still kicks with his right, but he used to kick free and he doesn't now. It's clear that he isn't really committing to getting his foot free, just complaining a little. He is still bad with his back feet. He will pick them up if I squeeze his hocks, but if I try to hold them he kicks out. Little by little will get over this stubborn hill.

"But mom the wind is scary!"
He decided to roll in the mud. I tried to groom him, but there was no point.

I took this picture by kneeling on the ground to steady the camera. Gambler is asking me why I'm on the floor


  1. Winter is a tough time to do anything, that's for sure. Even the snow can have ice underneath and create a dangerous situation. An indoor arena is ideal. I would love to build one...if I had $250,000 sitting around...which I don't.

    1. Ha, life would be easier with an indoor arena. I love the barn I'm at though. At least an outdoor arena builds character. :P

  2. Hang in there... Spring will come again! I can't do much with my horse right now either. If the weather's good she's too muddy, and if she's clean enough, the weather is bad for riding. :( Can't wait for spring riding!!!

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words. I can't wait fr spring either; it's my second favorite season.
