Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Feeling Good

I was going to post yesterday, but I was distracted. My family opened Christmas presents early last night. I wasn't expecting anything incredible, but I got a phone! I know, I know, not big news to most people (it isn't even a fancy iphone or anything) but it's big news for me.

Gambler was feeling good last night too. When Mom and I got to the barn we headed inside to prepare the grain. Apparently Gambler and Kezi thought we were taking too long, because they took off to the far side of the pasture. They came back, of course, but not without drama. The lighting isn't the best, because the sun was going down, but these videos are worth seeing. I love seeing Gambler play in the pasture, but if he does that with me on his back someday . . . I don't think I'd stay on.

Once the horses were inside and had finished their grain, I put Gambler in the cross-ties. 

I picked out both of Gambler's front hooves and one of his back hooves. The other back hoof wasn't dirty, so I just practiced picking it up over and over again. Gambler didn't kick at all on his left side, but he didn't like me picking up the hooves on his left side. After that I put the bareback pad on him. I tightened it in two steps and Gambler was good. He didn't grunt or threaten to kick or anything like that. 

I won't be seeing Gambler again until Monday or Tuesday, because I'm heading to my cousin's house for Christmas. It will be a lot of fun to see her and her horses again. I'll miss Gambler, but once I get back, I can use the extra time I have from Christmas break to the greatest advantage.