Tuesday, April 26, 2016


I love thunderstorms. I have been craving a good thunderstorm since March when spring first arrived. I think there have been a few electric storms at night after I was asleep, but not during the day. Finally, Sunday afternoon, it thunderstormed. We went out to feed the horses right before the storm, but they could sense it, so they wouldn't even come into the barn to eat. 

"Can you feel it too?"

I caught him red-handed under the trees.

Love. This. Picture.


  1. I love the second video where they took off racing each other! He can haul butt and make sharp turns!! I thought he was going through the fence for a second.

    I hate storms. Completely and totally hate them. We've had way too many close calls with tornadoes for me to ever be comfortable with storms again. :(

    1. Gambler is a silly horse. He looks beautiful but I'm always a little worried that he'll go over or through a fence.

      Tornados are not cool. I saw a small tornado hit my town a few streets over once. It was interesting but terrifying. Thankfully twisters are rare in this part of the world.
