Monday, November 2, 2015

It's All a Matter of Time

I have to apologize for the lack of photo or video content. The camera is out of batteries, and last time we were in town I totally forgot. One of these days I'll have some good pictures. Until then, I'll do my best to entertain you with my words.

It's November. There will probably be snow on the ground by the end of the month. It is supposed to be a mild winter, so I hope that there isn't much snow or ice, but in the end no one knows what is going to happen. Needless to say, I'm a little nervous. I made my goal of putting the "first ride" (first sit is more like it) on Gambler before snowfall, but can I put a sound foundation of saddle training on him before the weather stops us in our tracks?

I knew that time was going to be an issue. Starting a green horse can take anything from a few months to a couple years depending on the horse. And that is in an ideal situation. I only get to see Gambler four times a week on average. Now that the sun goes down at five, I only have an hour or so of daylight on week days. I was ranting about it to my mom yesterday. She reminded me that it's not about how fast you train a horse, it's about how well you train him. I agree wholeheartedly. The thing that frustrates me is I think Gambler is ready. I think I could have put the first ride on him several weeks ago, but I'm holding him back. I just haven't found the time.

Nevertheless, I don't regret keeping Gambler so far from home. The barn he is at right now is the very best place he could be. He is kept in a large pasture that he shares with only one other horse, so he always has food. He is brought inside two times a day for grain, so any injuries are caught within twenty-four hours. I know that he is safe and in good hands, and I know that he is happy. I wouldn't dream of keeping him anywhere else.

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