Thursday, February 25, 2016

100th Post

One hundred posts already, it's crazy to think about. The blog was just a silly summer goal that almost didn't happen. It's still just a silly hobby, just a public journal; but I've come to enjoy blogging. I have a long way to go as far as professionalism and experience. I'll be the first to admit that there are many, many better bloggers than I. But blogging has been such a motivator for me. In a strange way it holds me accountable to myself. I can look back and see where I have grown (and where I have slacked).

As I look over the 99 posts so far, here are a few of Gambler's and my greatest accomplishments:

The Fly Mask:
We put it on backwards so Gambler could get used to the feeling on his ears.
The fly mask was the first obstacle that Gambler and I overcame together. In comparison to the things we've been doing lately it seems small and insignificant, but it was the first step in the right direction.

The Circling Game (our own unique version):

It took Gambler and I some time to figure out how longeing was going to work. There is always room for improvement, but right now Gambler understands and obeys my cues for circling. He'll stop, back, walk on, and even trot with just a point and cluck. Months of hard work and patience and consistency have paid off. 

Before I even brought Gambler to the barn, I knew cross-ties were a problem. He was full of nervous energy. I couldn't clean the stiff brush with the curry without spooking him. If I was brushing his back he would walk forward or backward to try to see me. Now I can stick the bridle on him and walk away to take a picture and he'll stand in the aisle.

The Saddling Process:
First it was the bareback pad, with a little bucking. Then the close contact saddle, without any negative reaction. Then I focused on the western saddle which Gambler was quite nervous about. I loved the saddle and hoped to start Gambler in it, but when I checked the fit it seemed a little narrow. Now we are back to the bareback pad. When I was using the western saddle Gambler got very cinchy, possibly because of the fit. Slowly but surely, we've worked past that, and Gambler will let me tighten the bareback pad girth without complaint.

The Bridle:
Gambler never had a problem with the bridle. There were a couple times that he tried to toss his head or pull away. We had one session dedicated to getting the bridle on smoothly and I haven't had a problem since. 

Gambler has always enjoyed jumping. I'm more interested in dressage myself, but his love of jumping has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. I'm looking forward to riding him that much more! 

One of our greatest accomplishments by far is liberty. It was in a really good place this summer. Since then we haven't practiced and we're less in tune with each other. Gambler will still circle at liberty, but won't trot or lead. It is a reminder of what we're capable of and what we can do in the future.

Riding Gambler:
I still don't have a single picture of me riding Gambler. I probably won't until I start riding him without being led. Regardless, riding is definitely an accomplishment. All along, since April 4th, 2015, riding Gambler has been the goal. Now it's finally happening. I'm so excited, things are getting interesting!

The Relationship:
All of these things are great, but the greatest accomplishment of all is the relationship. I have gotten close to a few horses over the years. Dan, the Arab gelding I fell in love with. Domino, the fat retired dressage horse that taught me so much. But I have never known, loved, and understood a horse like Gambler. I've had pets, but there is just something so different about this horse. I don't think I knew a relationship like this was possible until I had it. I think that we will grow even closer when I start riding.

In honor of my 100th post, I would like to show some before and after pictures. I've posted many of these, but they never get old. They are a reminder of how much Gambler and I have accomplished, and how far we still have to go.

In the cross-ties:
April 2016
January 2016

February 2016

In his stall:
April 2015

April 2016
January 2016
February 2016


  1. Nice! Congratulations on how far you've come! Your journey is an inspiration.

    1. Thank you! I love to think that recording our story here could encourage someone else in their journey.
