Saturday, February 20, 2016

Chillin' with Gambley

Yesterday I didn't have school. I'm not sure why . . . maybe because of President's Day? Whatever the reason, it worked well for me because I got an extra day to spend with Gambler. 

My pet: a (super-cute) drowned rat.
I spent most of my day hanging out at the library, where I wrote my last post, but around two I drove myself to the barn. Because the weather was wet and windy, I wasn't expecting to ride Gambler. I thought maybe I could do some groundwork or put him in the cross-ties. 

When I got to the barn there was no sign of the horses. That didn't surprise me, because the only place they could get refuge from the wind was out in the pasture. I donned a raincoat (over my winter coat) and set off across the pasture. I was just gonna walk out there and give the horses scratches, but when Kezi saw me coming she came running. Gambler followed suit. I got a video of Gambler running up to me, but I'm having trouble uploading it. The horses ran around for a while (I'll admit I ran around with them a little) and then they settled down and I got some pictures. 

Licking and chewing. I love his little tongue!
"Hey look, I can see the ground!"

He was too close to me for my phone to capture his whole head, so I took some artistic photos.

I love his white eyelashes.

There was a small pond in the arena.
Kezi's silhouette. 

Horsey butts. ;)
Then I went into the barn and the horses cantered back out to the pasture. I think it is important to spend quality time with your horse without an agenda. I want Gambler to recognize me as his human herd and his leader. I don't want him to think that every time he sees me he has to work.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy just spending time with my horse too. It always feels worth it.
