Sunday, February 28, 2016

Spring Fever

Yesterday was incredibly beautiful and warm. I had the opportunity to hang out at the barn with Gambler while my Mom rode with some friends. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity. I didn't ride Gambler for a couple reasons. First, Mom wasn't there to lead him and supervise. Second, Gambler had a bad (good?) case of spring fever. 

I arrived at the barn to find Gambler helping himself to what was left of Kezi's grain.

"Oh, hello there!"
"Shall I pose?"
I played with Gambler a little in the arena, but the footing was still bad. Mostly I led him around and practiced asking him to stop and back up without pulling on the rope. I brushed his back and chest. The rest of him was muddy, so I left it to dry. I noticed that he and Kezi are beginning to shed! I brought Gambler into the barn to groom him. Kezi followed, with a little convincing. 

Gambler pretending to spook at everything.
You can tell that he isn't actually spooking because the whites of his eyes aren't showing.
Kezi contemplating whether she should come into the barn or not.
"If you come any closer with that halter I'm gonna run!"

Making faces at the camera.
Another serious photo.
After grooming both Gambler and Kezi a little, I let them both back out into the pasture. Then I tried to get good pictures of the horses. Gambler had other plans. He wanted to play. Or snuggle. But mostly play. He kept coming up to me and trying to eat my clothes. I got a few cool pictures despite his shenanigans.  

"What do you mean I'm too close?"

More yawning.
The lake in the arena is almost completely dried up now.
The weather was beautiful.

Then Mom came back from riding and took some pictures of Gamby and I.

We're both making faces.
Chopped off ears.
This one is kinda cute, even if he has grumpy ears.
Grumpy ears and he looks asleep.
To feed the horses, we put Kezi in the arena with her grain and fed Gambler in the barn. 

In the barn he was too distracted by the grain to notice they were separated. 

But when we put Gambler in the pasture to eat hay, both he and Kezi had a spaz attack. By now they should not get this excited about being separated by a fence. I blame the spring weather. 

That tail! He looks like such an Arabian.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos. Yes, I'm blaming everything on the spring weather, too. Makes them LOCO.
