Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Barn

I don't think I can ever express how I much love the barn I keep Gambler at. It's not a fancy show barn, but I have no use for a fancy show barn.  It is a really, really, (really) old dairy barn that was converted into a horse barn. There are five or six large, airy stalls that open onto the aisle. The aisle runs from the (front? side?) door to the opposite door that opens directly into the pasture. Kezi and Gambler have gotten to the point that if I open the door they will walk right into their stalls. There is a gate near the middle of the aisle that opens into the tack/feed room. This room is full of exquisite, high-quality tack. A lot of it hasn't been cleaned in about ten years, but I've slowly been cleaning it as part of my board. I hope that gives you a basic idea. I'll let pictures do the rest of the talking.

The view down the aisle looking out at the pasture. The stall closest to the door is Gambler's. 

You can see the barn in the background of this picture.

This photo was taken from inside the pasture. Isn't it just beautiful?

I absolutely love the vines on the windows.

Both of these saddles belong to the barn owner.
I'm so thankful that she let's me use them, since my saddle doesn't fit my little horse. 
This is another picture of the outside of the barn. 
You can see the door leading into the barn just behind Rebels head. 

Gambler in the cross-ties. He loves looking out at the pasture.

Gambler also likes to look into the barn. 

This is a pic of Gambler in his stall back in April.

The view of the arena through the vine-covered window.

So beautiful!

One tendril of the vine snuck(sneeked?) its way into the barn.

This is a more recent picture. 
It was such a sunny day and the windows looked so pretty.

Gambler in the cross-ties, sticking his tongue out. 

Looking out at the pasture.

Kezi in her stall. 

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