Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Gambler the Mighty Stallion

I'm really sorry to say that my brother got many, many more videos, but somewhere between his camera and my computer they were destroyed so that you can only hear the audio, without visual. I made the rookie mistake of deleting the originals. I'm really, really bummed about it. The quality was way better on them thanks to my brother who took all my photos and videos. Gambler and I had a very eventful day and thankfully my bro was there to catch every minute of it. Of course, now I don't have much to show for it. At least the two videos taken on a different camera will work.

In the first video that was destroyed, I let Gambler off of the line to go play with the ball. In the clip it is pretty easy to see why I prefer to do that offline. Gambler was even more enthusiastic than usual. It was like watching a little boy play soldier. My little gelding was pretending to be a big bad stallion. I was very proud of him in the end. He cantered away from the "big bad enemy stallion" and then trotted back to the ball to reengage. However, when I asked him to stop and pay attention to me instead, he promptly went from "wild stallion" to loyal friend in a matter of seconds. 

We played a lot with tarps and going through tight spaces, but those videos were lost as well.

Gambler and I played two of the same games we played yesterday: stick to me and catching me.

Stick to me is the game where I ask Gambler to walk beside me and trot, turn, stop, and back up when I say so. Today I really emphasized yielding the forequarters and the hindquarters.

Catching me is the game where I let Gambler loose and play the stay with me game with him until he wanders off. When his butt is to me I add pressure, but when he turns to face me I back off. In the end I found that disengaging his hindquarters work really well to bring him to me.

These are the only two videos I have. I'm really, really disappointed. Not so much because I can't show you, but because now those moments are lost. That and my brother put a lot of effort into them. Oh well, I've learned my lesson!

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