Saturday, September 26, 2015

Misty Mornings and Cleaning the Barn

The drive to the barn this morning was beautiful. It was one of those foggy autumn mornings that I have always loved. By the time we got to the barn, the sun was up and burning the fog away. I did get a few good pictures, but it's hard to see how hazy it was.

I couldn't help taking so many pictures, even though we were in a hurry, because it was such a beautiful day. The lighting was perfect for playing around with a camera. I also discovered the awesome zoom feature on Mom's camera (see the three photos above) and had to try it out. Because we were in a hurry, I didn't play with Gambler, just did chores.

Gambler looks like he is licking Kezi, but he's just licking and chewing as she walks by.
Still licking and chewing!
Later in the afternoon, we came back to help the barn owner with some cleaning. The tack room looks so much better! We also organized some of the stalls that are being used for storage. There was so much dust in the air; I kept sneezing.

It has to get messier before it can get cleaner.

Gambler thought the buckets of soapy water were the coolest things ever.
"Can I tip it over?"
When we tried to bring the horses in for evening chores, they weren't interested. Kezi is in heat again, so they ran around the pasture while I followed with the lead rope. Eventually I decided it wasn't worth it and grabbed my camera. If I have to chase them around the pasture, I might as well get some good pictures! Of course, once they saw I had the camera, they walked right up to me like nothing had happened.

"Oh hey Jenna. I didn't see you there!"

Gambler won't eat his anti-sand-colic stuff unless you feed it to him by hand, but thankfully he will eat his normal grain all on his own. We're only giving him the stuff (sorry, still don't know how to spell it :P) once a week now.

His bucket is blue now. ;)
After all of this, I was way to tired to do anything with Gambler. I was going to, but after running around the pasture, I just couldn't muster the energy. If I have learned anything about Gambler in the last six months, it is that if I can't get my energy up, he will completely blow me off. Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully we can get back on track to riding soon!

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