Thursday, March 31, 2016

1 Year Later

March 31st, 2016
I have a horse! He is a beautiful Quarab who is only about 11 or 12 hands tall. He has a beautiful personality and he is gorgeous. He is a bit spooky, which is probably the Arab in him, but he is very sensitive and playful. He is a four-year-old gelding named Gambler. He is very, very green so I'm gonna treat him as if he was never started at all. I'm really excited. It isn't all rainbows and sunshine, training a colt isn't easy, but I will work hard. 

This is my chance to follow my dreams and prove myself. This horse, my horse, has so much potential. God has given me the opportunity that I've always begged for. Now I have that opportunity. Finally, I am no longer held back by not having a horse. Finally, my dream has come true and I can do what I love to become the person I have always wanted to be! It isn't over, this is just the beginning. However, I am ready to do this. I am more than ready . . . I'm psyched!

I though that April 5th was "gotcha day" but apparently I was wrong. I stumbled onto this old journal entry just in time for our one year anniversary! This has been a long, eventful year. There were times I wasn't sure if I could do it, but together we've made it this far. God knows what He's doing. I can't believe it's been a year already! It seems like yesterday, but already I can't imagine life without my Gamby. I am so thankful for my opportunity on legs. ;)


  1. Getting your own horse changes your life forever. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Gotcha day! He's a lovely pony

  3. Wishing you and Gambler all the more happy days ahead :)

  4. He sure is cute & you are doing great with him!

  5. Happy Anniversary!! You've done such a great job with him and I'm looking forward to continuing to follow your progress together. :D
