Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mirror Mirror on the wall . . .who is the grouchiest girl of them all?

*Not My Photo*
We've all heard that horses reflect us, and anyone who has spent a decent amount of time with horses knows it is true. Horses can "sense" how we are feeling. Now I realize that there are scientific explanations. Horses know when we are upset because they can feel our heartbeats and read our body language, ect. ect.  But I don't really care how or why it works, it fascinates me. Being prey animals, horses are extremely sensitive to our every mood and it shows.

Sadly, this wonderful mirror thing can be a real pain. Especially if you're a wonderful person like me who gets incredibly, unreasonably grumpy when she hasn't eaten enough. Did I mention this person didn't eat breakfast, had a small lunch, and was in such a hurry to go see her beautiful horsey that she forgot to eat supper? It was a recipe for disaster. 

Most of the time I try to keep my moods cheerful and energetic. I only get four days a week with Gambler on average, so I can't afford to lose time over an emotional breakdown (almost the entire month of July). That being said, I am human and a teenaged girl so every once in a while I'm gonna have a bad day. 

 My session with Gambler wasn't so bad, nothing horrible or dangerous happened. I just wasn't feeling it (translation: Jenna was so grumpy not even Gambler wanted to be near her) so of course, Gamby wasn't either. That being said he was very good. He popped into the trot with a pointed finger and two clucks. The canter is still a little rough around the edges, but he cantered on cue as well. I tried some liberty work, but when you're grumpy and your horse knows you're grumpy, he isn't gonna want to hang out with you. 

So we called it a day, fed the horses, went home, and sat around a bonfire with hot dogs and chai tea. It's a weird combination, but surprisingly it works. 

grooming while ground-tied
eye close up
artsy pic
So adorable!
Playing with a jump.
And the other way.
It's a pity this picture is blurry, because it's really cool.
A moment of liberty before Gambley decided to keep his distance.
Taking off . . .
. . . landing . . .
. . . and tossing his head 'cause that was so fun!
Hey Jenna, did you want me to do something?
Oh look, it's Kezi!


  1. This is so cute! He looks like he could be a good jumper in the future. :)
