Thursday, October 29, 2015


I've always wanted - a phrase I find myself repeating often as of late - to write in a blog. Naturally, when I got Gambler, one of my first thoughts was to write about him. I put it off for months, because I wasn't sure what I thought of making our story public. It's one thing to buy a green horse and train him yourself; it's another thing entirely to train him in front of the world. Not that I'm saying the world is watching, but anyone with an internet can watch if he wishes to.

When I finally started this blog, I started it for me. I wasn't thinking about the page views or the people who would read it. I just wanted a journal dedicated to Gambler, so that I could look back and see how far we've come. Then people started reading and commenting and asking me questions and I realized that I could help people out in some small way. Maybe, someone in a similar situation will see this blog, and be able to avoid the mistakes I made along the way. 

Now I'm enjoying this blog so much. It is still here to fulfill the original purpose, but I can't lie: I smile extra big when I see that there are 117 views in one day. I love writing, I love horses, and I love that this little blog is bringing joy to some people out there. 

So I guess that's all I have to say. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings. God bless you and your horses!

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