Sunday, October 11, 2015

Rain and Wind and Beetles Oh My!

One of these days, I will ride my horse. But there is no time limit with a young horse, especially if you're training him for yourself. I'm reminded of that time and time again. On Tuesday I started leaning over Gambler's back for the first time since I've had him - I've been more focused on ground manners and the acceptance of the saddle. He did so well on Tuesday. I got to the point where I was leaning 90% of my weight on his back while he licked and chewed and yawned in relaxation.


I expected to put the first ride on him that Thursday. However, as you know, I did not ride him Thursday because it rained and other things got in the way. I probably could have played with him in the rain, and in retrospect, I probably should have.


On Saturday I was ready to pick up right where I left off, but it was one of the windiest fall days we've had so far. Gambler would be relaxed and listening to me, but then a hunter would walk past or the wind would pick up. 

Sunday (Today)

Today I was determined to keep trying. It wasn't too windy, it wasn't raining, everything should be perfect right? Think again. Today the farmers harvested the soybeans in two nearby fields and the asian beetles were swarming. They were a little better out in the open as opposed to in the barn, where they congregated in the doorways, but even in the ring Gambler was annoyed and grumpy. I can't blame him. I was spooking at them too. 

So maybe next Tuesday, a week from the beginning of this grand adventure, I'll finally put the first ride on him. Or maybe some other interesting situation will come up. It's discouraging, but I'm gonna stand up no matter how many times I'm knocked off my feet. Winners never quit and quitters never win right? Successful people are just failures who never gave up. So even if something happens on Tuesday, and next Thursday, and everyday for the next three months (I really, really hope that's not the case) I am going to keep trying. 

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